Part 1 of my interview with Ira Hall, in which we discuss lots of things, including how difficult it can be to see things from someone else’s point of view and within their life experiences.
Articles Written By: admin
Season 1, Episode 31: Character is Destiny
My thoughts on the pandemic, the 9/11 attacks, and what current events say, both good and bad, about our nation’s character.
Season 1, Episode 30: The End of the Beginning
Thoughts on the Saturday between Good Friday and Easter, toxic political idolatry, a better way, and the Coronavirus pandemic.
Season 1, Episode 29: Reality TV
In this episode I examine how Donald Trump views his presidency through a Reality TV framework, as evidenced by many of his actions during the pandemic.
Season 1, Episode 28: Social Distance
My thoughts on the pandemic, social distancing, and what I hope are some encouraging words during this time.
Season 1, Episode 27: America’s Unholy Ghosts
My interview with Joel Goza, author of America’s Unholy Ghosts. This is a wide-ranging discussion on faith, politics and race, and very few sacred cows survive unscathed.
Season 1, Episode 26: We’re Good People, Part 2
How do we protect ourselves from lending support to something horrible? What are the narratives we build for ourselves to rationalize that support? Are we good people? A multitude of thoughts on this topic in this episode.
Season 1, Episode 9: What is Truth
A discussion of the importance of truth and an examination of the ways Trump lies to us.
Season 1, Episode 8: The Millennial Interviews, Part 2: Looking to the Margins
Continuing the discussion from Episode 6 with Molly Wahlquist regarding listening to, learning from, and looking to those who have different lived experiences.
Season 1, Episode 7: Chariots and Horses
A look at trusting (or not trusting) God in a world of “I alone can fix it”